Friday, April 27, 2007

I Blew Out My Flip-Flop...

Its been a weird week here....

The alternate title for this post is: The Mail At Our House.

The mail system here in Barrington is very strange. Most postal employees don't speak English very well (they do speak an array of foreign languages very well!), the mail delivery is somewhat unreliable, packages tend to arrive at our house with holes in them, and are sometimes dented.
Despite all of those things, I received a very nice (intact, non-dented, dry) package from Amy and Jon (blog links to the left) two days ago.
It contained amongst other wonderful things, an inflatable margarita. No hard liquor included.

If this were a real margarita, I'd never recover from the hangover! It's tall, about 4 feet, maybe a bit taller.

No post would be complete without a Java picture! Java likes the margarita, but I think she likes it too much, and if that lime moves the wrong way Java's claws will juice it in a hurry!
Also, I'd like some feedback on if anyone likes/dislikes the news reel at the top of the blog. I'm not sure if I like it, but so far its found many nifty Denver Broncos articles for me to read.
ps: go ahead and sing along with the subject line, you know you want to....I know Amy is.

1 comment:

Jim said...

How did you do the newsline gig?
Nice house ornament, too.
