Saturday, April 07, 2007

Its been how long since I posted?

Java wondering if it's time for dinner, or breakfast, or even just a kitty treat!!!
(Note the cross-eyes, Java is always like this. It could explain why she occasionally runs into doorways)

Just like many readers of this blog who go long stretches between postings (Jon W!) I have no excuse for not posting up. So here are a few random smatterings of life recently in Barrington:

I was going to take spiffy pictures of spring in Chicago, however this year spring has not really arrived. Last year around this time was gorgeous, and I regretted not taking many photos. There were some snow flakes earlier today, and not many flowers have bloomed yet. The trees are still leafless sticks. I will have to get some pictures up when the weather gets warmer. I have decided that Chicagoland without snow in fall/winter/spring is just not photogenic.

On Tuesday I will have been at my job for 1 year. That also means 1 yr out of walmart! Speaking of my work I should have taken my camera today. The building on the far side of the drive through caught fire and we got to watch the B.F.D. extinguish the smoking heater on top of the building. The teller line was fairly slow when this all happened, and despite the fire trucks blocking both sides of the drive through, customers still tried to pull around the big red trucks with the flashing lights to make a deposit. *sigh*

My political thought for the week is that Bill Gates could run for President. It seems that the only requirement to be President these days is to have lots and lots of money. What will be interesting to see is if the candidate with the most money wins the election. My gut says no, the candidate with the best message should still win. Yet somehow, Bush is still President. The most interesting part for me is that Obama has just about as much money as Clinton; yet Obama has twice the number of donors as Clinton. So will donors translate to dollars in Iowa?

One parting thought that might lead to another post later...I want to be a corporate CEO. In particular being CEO of Ford would be GREAT! Where else could I post a loss of billions, and still get paid on average 7 million a month?

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