Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Brian and the Panda

Hello All,

Sorry for the lack of pics and videos of Brian.....not much blogging time lately. This little video is of Brian in his crib, where he has discovered his panda crib toy. When he's upset, but not yet crying we find him "talking" to the panda, and eventually works his way up to crying when the panda fails to fix his problems. Sometimes he just plays with the rattles on the bottom of the toy.

Brian continued to receive a clean bill of health at his well-baby check-up last week. He weighed in at 9 lbs 3 oz.!! He alos measured one inch longer.

Also, Brian got a card from The White House. I ordered a birth greeting from the White House website, and it arrived 2 days ago. Too bad its from Dubya, but its the fact that its from the White House, and Brian might find it neat when he looks in his baby book later in life. The card read:

Welcome! We are delighted to join your family in celebrating your arrival, You have already brought much happiness to those around you, and you've just gotten started!

We are glad you are now part of the wonderful American story. Our Nation holds great opportunities for you. May you make the most of your unique gifts, and may happiness and love surround you always.


George Bush Laura Bush

Enough blogging for now, time to head off to work for the day,



Anonymous said...

Woah. That thing looks evil, man.

Your sprog looks very healthy though :) That's always a cause for celebration!

Dan's Mom said...

Hello all,
Brian certainly is a handsome little guy. Thanks for the new video.
Love, Aunt Pat