Sunday, May 17, 2009

Time Lapse Photography #1

Hi All,

Today I tried something new with my Nikon P80, time lapse photography! Ever since I found out that the camera had this capability I wanted to try it out. So this morning I hopped over the the grocery, bought some tulips and irises that were closed. Christina helped me cut the flowers, arrange them, and place them so they would stay in the frame.

After that I sent the camera to take a picture every 30 seconds and automatically autofocus each image due to changing lighting conditions. The film starts at about 10:40 AM and runs till about 5:00 PM-ish (I'm not sure when the battery died, thus ending the film).

After the original time lapse, I played around with Adobe Elements, making the colored pencil outline scenes. They run 200% faster than the original, one forward, and the second in reverse. The last version of the film is simply the original running in reverse.

Hopefully I will get to take more time lapse at some point, but I'm not sure when.



1 comment:

Dan's Mom said...

Paul, I have always been fascinated by time lapse photography. Now I want to know how so I can do it too!!! Very cool. Aunt Patsy